Proteomics Facility Core

Contact: Paul Stemmer, CURES ESFC Co-Lead and Proteomics Core Director ; Joe Caruso, CURES member and Proteomics Core Associate Director

Proteomic analyses are available through the Proteomics Core at WSU. A full range of mass spectrometry-based standard proteomic services are supported. In addition, the ESFC uses advanced proteomics technologies to identify and quantify protein adducts that occur as a consequence of environmental toxicant exposure. CURES researchers have detected adducts on serum albumin and hemoglobin; the two most abundant proteins in blood that act as buffers for reactive chemical intermediates. Analysis of adducts on albumin and hemoglobin can provide information on environmental exposures occurring as long as 60 to 90 days prior to sample collection.

The Proteomics Core Facility provides state-of-the-art technology for characterization of protein identity, modification and differential expression.

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Center for Urban Responses to Environmental Stressors